Thursday, June 21, 2007

Little lady of leisure

Isobel has taken to various leisure activities, including swaying in her swing, playing her drum, and, of course, napping. She also loves to watch the Best of Bowie video collection with her father!


Isobel started to try some rice cereal this week! She is intrigued by the spoon, and her little tongue darts in and out as she smacks her lips. She also is able to roll from her back to stomach and back to her back on her own now. Amazing!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Pretty Izzy

Isobel is growing at an unbelievably rapid rate! She has become very "healthy" (chubby) in the last month, as well as taller and more coordinated. She has maintained her gentle disposition, red hair, and big blue eyes. What a striking kid!

3 Months!!!

Isobel turned three months old in mid-May. Her parents ordered her a nice ice-cream cake with a little monkey on it. Then they ate it!

Papa's Birthday

Izzy enjoyed her Papa's (Steph's Dad) birthday on a beautiful May weekend. The event featured the new fully-working tiki bar in the Anderson backyard, barbequed shishkabobs, and a flock of flamingos hiding in the foliage. Izzy played the part of the "tiny tiki waitress" and charmed the guests with her giggles and funny faces. Good times for all!